Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

Tenacity is For Sale!!!

After preparing Tenacity for the summer- she will spend hurricane season safely attached in Marina Mazatlan. We have returned home to Northern California and have decided to advertise Tenacity for sale. This has been a difficult decision, as we have enjoyed two years of cruising the beautiful waters of mainland Mexico and the Sea of Cortez. The boat has been everything and MORE then we had expected. She has been a flawless cruising boat and all of Terry's hard work of preparing her for the trip certainly made our cruising experience a successful adventure. However, we have decided that this dream has been fullfilled and we are now ready to venture into yet other adventures. So many places to see and places to go!!!!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Puerto Escondito

Hola friends and family!!!

I have a little catching up to do! Since the last posting in January, we have sailed the boat back to Mazatlan and traveled back to northern Cal for the month of
February. Between snow storms, Terry burned slash and down trees and I went to work! We headed back to Mazatlan via pick-up the first of March. Enjoyed the company of Barb one week and and Pat Carol the next in Mazatlan. A couple of great day sails to Stone Island.

We are currently anchored out (actually on a mooring) at Puerto Escondito. We made the crossing from Mazatlan to Muertos on the baja on March 15. We were fortunate to have Patrick as crew for the trip! He just left today and we will miss his constant enthusiasm.

The weather here has actually been quite cool as well as the water temp of about 70 degrees. A little too cold for snorkeling!! I am so looking forward to warming of water temp. The sea of cortez is just as beautiful as we remember, and, we are reminded once again of the quick changes of wind and wave condtions. This really dominates our destinations and activities! I have never even heard of the terms "souther or norther", but, find that they are very meaningful here in the sea of cortez. And, if not constantly aware of these weather condtions, it really makes for a bad day or a sleepless night.

We have met up with our friends Bill and Karen on the boat "Miela". Looking forward to hikes and dinners together.

We will be traveling North- leaving tomorrow morning. And, plan on going as far north as Santa Rosalia. Visiting several islands and beautiful anchorages before heading south to La Paz in Mid May.

Best wishes to ALL!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

sunset at sea


Today is Saturday January 3, 2009
Wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
We are now on our way north- left Isla Grande near Zihuatanejo on Jan 1 and arrived in Las Hadas on Jan 2. We have been enjoying our cruising season this year and have met so many wonderful people. We celebrated my birthday aboard friends Barrett and Renee's boat "Serendipity". We sailed about 5 miles south of Zihuatanejo to a great place for a day of snorkeling. We celebrated Christmas with Rena and many other cruisers for a turkey dinner at a restaurant on the beach in Zihuatanejo. The southern coast of Mexico has been beautiful and extremely warm and humid. Any coastal cities near the ocean in Mexico seem to be very crowded during the Christmas, New Year's and Easter weeks. It is amazing how quiet and relaxed the anchorages are, that is until the sea doo's, parasail boats and ski boats arrive! And, some of the biggest mega yachts I have seen. So many areas of Mexico seem so very poor and yet these Mega yachts are owned by Mexicans. An interesting culture! We are still working on our spanish, and enjoying the Mexican people.
We want to wish everyone a Happy 2009!!!
I have had a problem with internet connectivity from the boat-and am unable, at this time to send pictures. I will keep trying!